Well, Valentine’s Day may be behind us as far as the calendar is concerned, but we let it linger a little longer in the classroom this week đŸ™‚ We also used the week to do some activities that aren’t necessarily “on theme” but are just plain fun!

There was cocoa cloud dough in the tub, complete with marshmallows and red & pink sprinkles.

There were flowers and vases in the texture table, along with lots of little jewels and gold buttons to gather.

We made patterns with candy hearts on Wednesday, and then each friend got a box to take home.

The kids got to pair up to make batches of slime by combining 1/2 cup water + 1/2 cup glue + 1/2 cup Stay Flo. This was very sensory and sticky!

We did a colorful art project on Tuesday by folding paper towels and then using droppers to saturate them with water color paints. They were dry by Wednesday and after opening them to see what they looked like, children got to take them home.

On Thursday children paired up again and drew each others’ faces through a clear, plastic lid. There were lots of giggles!

They also played with sequencing cards, arranging them in order so that the pictures showed an event happening in the correct chronological order.

Other activities around the room included the Wedge-Its at the light table and more fun with the rubber bands and geo-boards.

We had lots of recyclables out at the Creation Station and the glue guns were busy!

The building table held the ABC Zoo and the kids had fun putting the animals in different arrangements and loading up the zoo van.

Here are some of the other ways children used their time around the room:

During our time together at the rug, we did some jumping songs, a song about driving a car, read stories about how to be a good friend, and enjoyed hearing about Panda’s adventures. Everyone is doing such a great job with their Panda stories!

Outside time was mostly dry this week – YAY!

In the coming week we will begin some fairy tale activities – starting with Jack and the Beanstalk. Fee, fi, fo FUM! We’ll see you all soon!

Lisa and Jelena


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