Bring on the green and gold! Gold cup stacking at the building table…

Sneaky leprechauns, gems, gold coins and empty pots (of gold!) to fill at the texture table.

Some fun rainbow project this week at the art table where the students made 3D rainbow sculptures.

What do you get when you arrange Skittles on a plate and pour water over them? Let’s look…

The weather was perfect for our art table project today, rainbow hoops. The students chose their hoop color and plastic streamers. They separated the streamers and looped them with the help of the adult helper (instead knotting them). So much colorful flying fun during recess!

Patterns are so fun! We had large rainbow colored popsicle sticks to work on our patterning skills. Some very creative patterns were made!

Trapping sneaky leprechauns is a real challenge, and the students worked really hard to catch one with their amazing trap! They had lots of shiny materials to choose from to lure the leprechaun in – and they used it! And it worked, almost. This was a great collaborative activity!

The students came in on Thursday to find that the leprechauns did come but weren’t trapped! They instead left a note that lead to a fabulous treasure hunt in the building with a treat at the end! So much excitement and so much fun!

Another fun parent-led activity was counting how many gems it took to sink the cauldron. Ask your student if they remember how many it took during their turn! (The average was between 27-34 as they are not all the same size). This was a great way to practice counting out loud with a fun visualization of weight.

A big scoop of Lucky Charms cereal on a plate was so tempting to try but everyone resisted a taste and instead graphed the marshmallow treats.

There were so many things going on around the room, games, make your own computer in the writing area, make a bracelet or necklace, LOTS of building…take a look!

We read, danced an Irish Jig, played musical instruments, and practiced number recognition with games where we searched for hidden coins under numbered leaves and rainbows. We also heard about Panda’s adventures at the students houses he visited!

During outdoor time we ran with our rainbow hoops, climbed, and re-enacted the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff on the balance beam as the bridge and teacher Lisa as the Troll. We got the bikes out, a sure sign that spring is here!

A treasure hunt and a warm spring-like day was a great ending to our fairy tale unit. We will begin our Space-shadow and light unit on Monday. See you then!

Teachers Jelena and Lisa


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